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Quality Policy

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Quality System

Quality Management is our core business process focus. We work to ISO 9001-2008 and forthcoming 950 standards and also integrate our Quality philosophy into our company culture.

Our company is trying to each of the operating elements in our Quality System (based on the requirements of ISO9001-2008) - be it handling material, information or customers, must be constantly improving to ensure that the products and services we provide meet our customer's needs and expectations.

To help the objective, quality problems arising in Model Group., are to be identified and solved with speed, technical efficiency and economy. The methods employed are to be kept continuously under review and techniques improved whenever necessary.

The foregoing broad principles are basic to the company for the assurance of product quality and we require all members of Model Group. to actively participate and support the Quality Assurance personnel in the implementation of this policy.

Our Company – Model Group, goal is to be renown for the quality of our products and services and therefore strategically increase our value to our customers and suppliers and in turn the wellbeing and growth of the Company.

We believe in quality starts with design and development and continue right through all fields of the company including the purchasing of quality supply, assembly, production, inspection and testing functions and even to the care involved in packing and arranging of delivery for the products. This is the result of the skill, accuracy and attitude of the person(s) responsible in each phase.
Our approach to quality also extends to working with our suppliers to ensure they supply us with the required products and services at the lowest reasonable total cost, which encompasses whole of life value which should be within the reach of customers.

Business Mission

To Built

  • An Enthused, Knowledgeable, Motivated, Learning, Company Culture.
  • A selected portfolio of World Class Leading Products and Services.
  • An ever growing Company involved in the Global Business Community.


Dedicated To

  • The Continuous Improvement of Services and Products.
  • Constantly Meeting the Customer Requirements.
  • Maintaining a clear Competitive Edge over our competitors.


Our Business Aims

  • To plan and manage the company to provide the profit required to ensure:
  • The Company Growth and Expansion.
  • Development of our Team through Opportunities, Experiences, Training & Encouragement of Personal Growth.

"Swaraj Tractor" Dealership of Complete Gondia and Bhandara District with Sales and Service branches at Sadak Arjuni, Arjuni Morgaon, Sakoli,Lakhandur & Tumsar